Project focus 10: The final chapter

This is the final summary post of the project focus 10 collaboration! Firstly, I want to thank the amazing collab crew of Ingrid, happiness and Jodi! It has been so much fun doing this project with you!

So, how did I do in the project Focus? If I was to grade myself in terms of staying with using the items I chose, I’d give myself a B. It’s a solid grade but it isn’t going to get me on the Honour Roll. Unlike some of my collab buddies, I did not finish any of the 10 items up during this project, but I intend to continue working on them! Here’s a recap and current state of things.

Week 1: Guerlain lingerie De Peau BB (Stash worthiness: 7/10)

I’m still using this dutifully – maybe about twice a week. I’m figured out to use this up before I need to toss it!
Likelihood of finishing this: 80%

Week 2: Nars Light Reflecting loose setting Powder (Stash worthiness: 8/10)

Lately I’ve been using this all over my face instead of just under my eye area – it’s wonderful for setting my foundation without adding too much of a “powdered” look. I’m liking this a lot more now than when I first started using it.
Likelihood of finishing this: 100%

Week 3: Shu Uemura brow:sword (Stash worthiness: 7/10)

I’ve already made a decision this is coming with me to Japan. It’s such a useful little travel buddy with the spoolie and sharpener both built-in.
Likelihood of finishing this: 90%

Week 4: Kiehl’s Ultra Facial cream (Stash worthiness: 9/10)

I love this face cream and I’m attempting to use it up for April’s trash Stash!
Likelihood of finishing this: 100%

Week 5: Orly Nailtrition (Stash worthiness: 9/10)

Still using this on a weekly basis and plan on finishing it up entirely – might take a while though, I’m thinking by late Fall.
Likelihood of finishing this: 100%

Week 6: Smashbox photo finish primer Water (Stash worthiness: 3/10)

Ugh, this is neglected. Επίτηδες. I may mix some rosewater and glycerin in this to help it be less sucky. But I do want to attempt to use it up.
Likelihood of finishing this: 75%

Week 7: Clinique Pop Lip Colour in Bare Pop (Stash worthiness: 8/10)

I have every intent of using this on a regular basis but absolutely NO pledge that I’ll finish this tube up before it goes bad. I think I’ve only ever used up 2 lipsticks in my life.
Likelihood of finishing this: 25%

Week 8: L’Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara (Stash worthiness: 8/10)

I’ll cheat and call this one nearly finished. It’s gotten too flaky lately and I’ll be retiring it soon.
Likelihood of finishing this: 100%

Week 9: Muji cut Cotton Ecru (Stash worthiness: 7/10)

This had the distinction of being my a lot of used project focus 10 item – I’m still using this nightly and intend to finish the bag. I’ll be trying the white version of this next to see how it compares to the Shiseido.
Likelihood of finishing this: 100%

Week 10: Smashbox double exposure palette (Stash worthiness: 6/10)

Although the quality of these eye shadows are decent, I was quite disappointed by the lame colour changing declares of this palette. I really have to force myself to reach for this palette – I’m not sure if I will keep this of give it away.
Likelihood of finishing this: 0%

And that’s it for project focus 10, early 2016 edition – thanks for joining us on this fun project!

Please go check out my collab crew for their final project focus 10 posts:
♦ Ingrid of curly.spring.blossom
♦ happiness of Styled With Joy
♦ Jodi από μια στάση Brash

There’s been talk about doing another round of project focus 10, maybe in the fall – count me in!

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Σαν αυτό:
Όπως η φόρτωση …

Σχετιζομαι με

Collab: project focus 10New year, new collaboration!  This is another brainchild of miss Ingrid (aka Curly.Spring.Blossom) who approached me with a 10 week long blog series called project focus 10.  The idea of this series is to focus on beauty products to try to either use them up, or give them a lot more attention: •…
18 Ιανουαρίου, 2016in “Ομορφιά”

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