Trash stock aka Empties: March 2015

I’m officially renaming my Empties articles to trash Stash.  Once again, I’ve accumulated sufficient empty beauty products to publish – I reckon this will be a monthly function going forward.  I can no longer reject it – being on a No-Buy has absolutely required me to utilize up a few of my stash!

Cargo blu_ray HD pressed Powder in 20 – $32 for 8g (select Rexall as well as online)
This was maybe the most satisfying product to lastly surface up. You understand when you’ve hit pan on a powder, as well as then the hole in the center slowly gets larger as well as larger? Well, this one, I hit pan months back (even before I started my No-Buy) as well as it seemed like the powder just would NOT get utilized up. The essential point was when the edges got so thin the powder crumbled. That was a fist-pump “Yessss!” στιγμή. Oh as well as I truly such as this powder, it’s extremely finely milled as well as looks almost undetectable on the skin. It’s one of my all time HG as well as I have a back up in my stash.
Αντάτη: 10/10

“This product was made by Susan on 18-Jul-13 utilize by 18-Sep-14 finest utilized fresh”
Lush charming Jubblies – $26 for 100g (lush stores as well as online)
I blame YouTube for this.  At one point every 20-something year old appeal guru was speaking about this cream as well as exactly how it assisted to liven up the ladies. HELLO, you’re young as well as nubile, you do NOT requirement this cream!  I did not get this for my jubblies however rather as a curiosity, as well as the sales woman told me I might put in on my derriere if I so desired, like a buttock lift.  Verdict: It’s absolutely useless except it smells great – increased mixed with almond – as well as supplies some hydration to the skin.  I felt no tightening, no lifting, no transcendence.  I had about half of the tub left at the beginning of March as well as observed that the expiration was Sept 2014 (it still smelled fine) so I slapped everything over my body just to utilize it up (and my body was SO TOIGHT… no, no it wasn’t).
Stash worthiness: 2/10

eos hand lotion in cucumber – $4 for 44ml (drugstores)
I truly liked this hand cream – the smell, the texture, the sleek packaging – however, it seemed the scent was rather overpowering as well as I gathered some comments from people around me when I used this (“What’s that smell?“). Once, somebody had a coughing in shape as well as stated it was because of this smell.  So I stopped bring it in my handbag as well as just utilized it up at home. as well bad, I truly liked exactly how compact the tube is, plus it didn’t make my hands excessively greasy, however I don’t want to be accountable for somebody coughing to death since of this.

Lise Watier Hydrasmart 3D Hydration Metamorphosis Cleansing Gelée – $25 for 150ml (Shoppers medication Mart,, choose Bay as well as Sears stores)
I did a evaluation of this in my wintertime night time skincare overview. I won’t repurchase this since it’s rather ineffective in eliminating my eye makeup.
Αντάτη: 6/10

L’Oreal Natures therapy Scalp relief Leave-In treatment $11.19 for 118ml (Sally appeal Supply)
I published about this in my wintertime scalp care – it’s a excellent product that I’ll always keep in my stash.
Αντάτη: 10/10

Clarins immediate Light Brush-On Perfector in 00 light beige – $36 for 2ml (department stores)
This is a highlighting pen similar to YSL Touche Eclat.  The finest method I discovered to apply this was to clean it on, let it set for a few minutes, as well as then blend in a patting movement with a flat foundation brush. Technically, there’s still a bit of product inside however I’ve been utilizing this pen on as well as off for 2 years so I believe it’s time to retire it.  I have one more one of these unopened, however in the 01 pink beige shade.  I really like the Maybelline dream Lumi Touch Highlighting Concealer to this.
Αντάτη: 7/10

Cargo LashActivator night – $29 for 11ml (select Rexall as well as online)
I’ll be doing a in-depth evaluation of this eyelash “elixir” soon. One thing I wished to mention about this tube is something I started doing about 5 years back – notice the sticker at the end of the tube with a date written on it? I do that so I can keep track of when I opened the tube. lots of products now have the bit signs indicating the suggested lifespan of the product when it is opened. For me, this is particularly crucial for liquid eye makeup like mascaras as well as eyeliners. considering that this tube was opened in Sept 2014 as well as the product has a 6 month lifespan, it was time to toss.

Various hotel toiletries as well as skincare samples.  10 down, one more 200 to go.

I do have to highlight one sample I was truly smitten with – the Clarins HydraQuench Intensive Serum Bi-Phase.  This bit 3ml blue vial lasted me about 10 uses, I used it after my toner as well as before my moiΟ Sturizer τα βράδια καθώς και άφησε το δέρμα μου απίστευτα μαλακό, καθώς και ομαλή. Σημειώστε αυτό κάτω για μελλοντική αγορά. Ναι, η ρωγμή που είναι δείγματα καλλυντικών: Πρώτη πρώτη, αλλά η επόμενη πρόκειται να με δαπανήσει! (σε $ 59 για 30ml, είναι λίγο οδυνηρό)

Τέλος, μια αξιόλογη αναφορά:

Αυτή η ουσία όλα για το Matt! Φροντίζοντας τη συμπαγή σκόνη ($ 4 για 8G, αγοραστές φαρμάκων Mart) καταστραφεί όταν έπεσα στην υπόθεση. Ευτυχώς, το συμπαγές ήταν κλειστό καθώς και όλο το προϊόν έμεινε μέσα. Πάω να συντρίψω τη σκόνη καθώς και να το βάζουμε σε ένα δοχείο για να το χρησιμοποιήσει ως χαλαρή σκόνη.

Που αναδιπλώνεται ένας ακόμα μήνας σκουπιδιών! Έχετε συμπληρώσει πρόσφατα κάθε είδος προϊόντων προσφυγής;

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Όπως η φόρτωση …

Σχετιζομαι με

STAST STASH: Φεβρουάριος 2017 είναι πάντα μια τρελή φυλή στο τέλος του μήνα για να έχεις όλα τα σκουπίδια μου, καθώς και την προσφορά της τελικής τους φωτογραφίας πριν βγάλουν! XD Είμαι λίγο ανήσυχος για το αν χτύπησα το στόχο μου κάθε μέρα ποσόστωση … O_O Skincare Saje Konjac Kare Green …
3 Μαρτίου, 2017in “Ομορφιά”

STASH ΣΑΣ: Πρόστιμο, θα το παραδεχτώ, τρώω πραγματικά αυτά τα πράγματα. Απλά θέλω μεγάλες προσφορές καθώς και τις μεγάλες προσφορές των αμπέλι κάθε μήνα! Έλαβα ιδιαίτερα την ευχαρίστηση στο gulping κάτω από το Mizon Snail Serum – Yummy. : LOL: Nizoral 2% κετοκοναζόλη …
3 Μαΐου, 2016in “Ομορφιά”

STASH STASH: Αύγουστος 2016 Η ώρα απορριμμάτων είναι και πάλι! Τα αμπέτσα μου ήταν βαρύτερα στο μέτωπο της επιδερμίδας αυτό το μήνα. Skincare Skinscyscuticals Αντιοξειδωτική επισκευή χείλους $ 38 $ 38 για 10ml επιθυμούσα τόσο πολύ να αρέσει αυτό, ωστόσο ήταν απλώς ένα προϊόν «meh». Πήρα αυτό από τις μεγάλες αξιολογήσεις στο διαδίκτυο, καθώς και εγώ ήμουν ομοίως …
31 Αυγούστου, 2016in “Ομορφιά”

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