The MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne Collection for summer 2014: Kelly’s Lips

wearing Satin Lipstick in Kelly Yum Yum on my lips
I was really looking forward to Kelly’s lipsticks from the the MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne collection, because from the product pics, they looked like the cats meow/whole enchilada (what’s the British equivalent of an enchilada? A pasty?) — like, take off your stretchy pants, and put on some real pants so you can head to the counter ideal now.

But then I tried them on…and I realized that you may have to be 16 years old with lips smoother than a baby’s butt to pull them off.


With the exception of Kelly Yum-Yum, the only satin lipstick in the bunch, the others are hard to wear, at least for me, and I really, really tried to make them work.

Φίλε. I nearly didn’t want to post these lip swatches because I’m not exactly thrilled with how they turned out. My lips look dry and heavily lined. I mean, I know I’m not a spring chicken, and I may be a little dehydrated today, but come on! I feel like miss Havisham up in this b*tch.

So, first, the good. Kelly Yum-Yum. If you only get one lip product from the Kelly squad, let it be this. It’s a satin finish version of the spectacular matte candy Yum-Yum Lipstick. I just wore candy Yum-Yum last week in the Jem lips post.


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

Other than the finishes being different, the colors aren’t identical. Kelly Yum-Yum has a little a lot more pink, and not quite as much blue. but I think both are straight-up showstoppers.

Then there’s In Synch, the re-promoted Lip Pencil. It’s a solid oldie but a goodie.

I found the others here — the three matte lipsticks — tough to wear, at least without severe lip prepping.


Like, if I smothered my lips first with lip balm the night before, and then on the morning of, and then drank five gallons of water, and then turned back time 10 years (ok, 20), then, yeah, we could make ’em work.

Satin Lipstick in Kelly Yum Yum, a bright blue pink, $17.50
Matte Lipstick in strip Poker, a light nude, $17.50
Matte Lipstick in Riot House, a light brilliant orange, $17.50
Matte Lipstick in Dodgy Girl, a light lavender, $17.50
Lip Pencil in In Synch, a bright yellow pink, $16.50
From the left: strip Poker, Riot House, Kelly Yum Yum, Dodgy girl and In Synch
Satin Lipstick in Kelly Yum Yum
Matte Lipstick in strip Poker

Matte Lipstick in Riot House
Matte Lipstick in Dodgy Girl
The MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne Kelly sub-collection includes…

Matte Lipstick in strip Poker, a light nude, $17.50

Matte Lipstick in Riot House, a light brilliant orange, $17.50

Satin Lipstick in Kelly Yum Yum, a bright blue pink, $17.50

Matte Lipstick in Dodgy Girl, a light lavender, $17.50

Lip Pencil in In Synch, a bright yellow pink, $16.50

Jumbo Penultimate liner in Rapidblack, a true black, $22

Eye Kohl in Smolder, an intense black, $17.50

Bloody dazzling Quad with Tickety Boo (a soft muted plummy brown with a Satin finish), Fizzy rose (a aple lilac with a Satin finish), Spoonful of Sugar (a sparkling platinum with a Veluxe Pearl finish) and Shadowy lady (a blackened plum with a matte finish), $44

Morning Mister Magpie, with Soba (a soft taupe with a Satin finish) and Brun (a dark brown with a Satin finish), $22

Powder blush in Cheeky Bugger, a peach brown with a Satin finish, $22

Mineralize Skinfinish Duo in Jolly Good, a light cool beige and a soft pale pink, $33

Brush in 219SE, a pencil brush, $27.50

Brush in 167SE, a flat buffer brush, $58

Available online June 2 at, in any way North American MAC locations June 12, 2014 through July 10, 2014, and internationally (except China) at select MAC locations August 2014.

Η φιλική σας γειτονιά έκκληση εξαρτημένη,


Look, Mom! a lot more MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne collection coverage…

Food for Thought: 7 Lip combos With the new MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection
The MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne Collection for summer 2014: Kelly’s Lips
The MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne Collection for summer 2014: Kelly’s Eyes and Cheeks
The MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne Collection for summer 2014: Sharon’s Lips
The MAC Sharon & Kelly Osbourne Collection for summer 2014: Sharon’s Eyes & Cheeks

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