MyLipAddiction beauty Podcast: HippyLip part DEUX

happy Thanksgiving to my American pals! While you’re digesting your turkey dinner, have a listen to the second part of our chit chat with HippyLip (the token American!) – this time it’s 110% about BEAUTY!

We chat with HippyLip about all the packages she recently received in the mail – it was like Christmas came early at her house!

* The feature image is from the MAC collaboration with Cindy Sherman in 2011. It was a fun, colourful collaboration and Cindy Sherman herself is a fascinating person, but the promotional images for the collection are hideous!

Listen to the podcast at any of these sources:

♪ iTunes ♬

♩ Google Play ♪

♫ Buzzsprout ♩

♬ Stitcher ♪

Things we talked about:

MUJI Strawberry jelly-filled marshmallows are delicious, and look nothing like puffy pink nipples:

MUJI Toner and diy face masks:

I mentioned these in my MUJI Skincare post.

Bad makeovers:

I also imagined HippyLip’s daughter looking like the feature image…

Claification: NYC to Toronto is only 8 hours by car, not 13 hours! I can’t wait to go on the maid of the Mist boat tour at Niagara Falls with HippyLip!
Note: for some reason Canadians talk about distances by time (how many hours / minutes it takes to get somewhere), not in km / miles. I’ve noticed this difference in various interactions with non-Canadians and I think it’s mainly due to how spread out we are (this article explains it better than I can).

Pop vs soda debate is almost as heated as the election, who knew?!

Apparently there is a geographic divide:

I’m just going to ignore the area that calls it “Coke”, that’s like calling all facial tissue “Kleenex”.  Which do you say, “Pop” or “Soda”?

Yeah, we kind of get off track from beauty – what else is new?

Hey you, yes YOU. Do you want to be on the podcast? You get to be the middle of a cat & Stashy sandwich! comment below or drop either of us an email if you’re interested. We’ll do our customary interrogation Q&A and we’ll go from there.

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Σαν αυτό:
Όπως η φόρτωση …

Σχετιζομαι με

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